mercredi 2 janvier 2013

the web thought: most viewed posts in 2012

As I did at the beginning of last year, I would like to list the top 10 most viewed posts for 2012...

So, here we go - and you might even discover something you have missed last year.

  1. CSS: Making background image fit any screen resolution (revised)
  2. CSS & HTML: nested lists with style
  3. jQuery & JavaScript: Analogue clocks
  4. CSS: image zoom effect
  5. CSS: float center? Yes, we can do it!
  6. CSS: fixed header and footer
  7. ASP: Create pdf files with FPDF
  8. jQuery: loading content while user scrolls (infinite scroll)
  9. Web Design: a collection of progress bars
  10. CSS: Making background image fit any screen resolution

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