jeudi 1 mars 2012

jQuery: image zoom plug-ins

As one of the web thought visitors has commented a few days ago, there are many jQuery plug-ins that help us in creating zoom effects on images. Here's a list of the best.

"A small (1.4kb) jQuery plugin to enlarge images on mouseover or mousedown."

jQuery Image Magnify
"jQuery Image Magnify enables any image on the page to be magnified by a desired factor when clicked on, via a sleek zoom in/out effect. The enlarged image is centered on the user's screen until dismissed. It works on both images with and without explicit width/height attributes defined. This means you can take a large image that by default would look out of place when shown, shrink it using explicit width/height attributes, then enable users to magnify it on demand to its original dimensions when the image is clicked on using this script."

Cloud Zoom
"Cloud Zoom is a free jQuery image zoom plugin, a comparable alternative to products such as Magic Zoom. Compared to the popular jQZoom plugin, Cloud Zoom is smaller, has more features and more robust compatability across browsers."

Zoomimage - jQuery plugin
"Present you images in stylish way. The links are unobtrusively highjacked to open the images in an inpage popup with drop shadow and border."

"JQZoom is a javascript image magnifier built at the top of the popular jQuery javascript framework. jQzoom is a great and a really easy to use script to magnify what you want."

ImageLens – A jQuery plug-in for Lens Effect Image Zooming
"Use this jQuery plug-in to add lens style zooming effect to an image"

Easy Image Zoom
"I have been working on a little script for a client of mine, that required product image magnification. The task was to create a script that will allow users to see large details of the product while moving cursor over medium sized image. During the process I decided to create a jQuery plugin and share it with you guys!"

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