jeudi 24 mars 2011

Google Analytics

I've been using Google Webmaster Tools for a long time, but just a few months ago I've started to have the feeling that it was not enough. What I wanted was something that could analyze my web site traffic source, visitors, search engines and so on, giving a clear idea on how my web site was performing. Thus I approached Google Analytics.

What is Google Analytics?
I've been aware of the existance of Google Analytics for quite a while. At the beginning, I thought it was too much complicated for my needs and I kept on postponing its use. I must admit now that it was a big mistake. Google Webmaster Tools is absolutely a great and easy-to-use web instrument, however it is quite limited. Google Analytics is definitely much more complete. But - be aware - Google Analytics is not just a better Webmaster Tools. In fact the two can be interfaced, even if in a very limited way. They are different tools with different goals, even if they can some times give the same type of information.
Anyway, Google Analytics is a complete tool you can use to analyze the web traffic of your web site. That is a very limited definition of the tool, however - as the online Google help page states - it can help web masters to manage AdWords, effectively check landing page and bounce rates,  see exactly how visitors are moving around your web site, which pages are the most popular, where the visitors are coming from and which are the exit pages, determine referring sites, used search engines and keywords and a lot more.

Is it only for AdWords?
No. I don't use Google Ads, but I think that Google Analytics is still a valuable tool.  It can create more than 80 reports, with high customization capabilities and in fact it can be adapted to any web master need. I am very impressed by how deeply the analisys can go. The tool really helps in understanding what is happening to your web site, where, when, how and possibly why your visitors are coming, staying and going away.
There is a very well documented on line help and setting up a new profile and adding the proper code to your page is fast and easy (specifically if you already have a Google Account). And last but not least, it is all free.

Please visit Google Analytics for more information.

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